to become another
just remembering thoughts i had with the ich bin du project.
when working in frankfurt
not my own stuff
there is that incredible monologue on nature
weird things which i don't expect.
not weird for weird, just because
cables, amplifier
maybe i should think about showing the things/thoughts which
accumulate, rather than freakout.
>make these photos with R.
- sign to announce the show/performance to the people in the train station
- beetroot paintings
- 2 tents
- overpainted photographs with beetroot juice
i guess i just have to start making something, i can't be
making anything special if i dont start.
- rachel cowboy boots, tea cups
- I really NEED to do a performance, because i want to challenge myself. it is quite important.
- the play describing the world of idiots. the world of power.
the show going against such power and trying to find something special by going against that sort of normality/order.
> pushing thouhgts
- make another version of the book with the bulgarian club series
go cut down trees in the forest with a few people, fill up the ground with it.
also an option to just gather already cut branches in the forest, and just cut them down to be able to transport it.
vases filled with homemade beetroot juice
painted carboard boxes with beetroot and blue paint.
like for stage furniture sort of
Thinking of the exhibition as:
both about the encounter of these pieces of writing, mixed with biographical elements of the author and with the content of the story of Iphigenia.
there will be different versions of the publication of the play.
photos of R.: also want to use those strange tea cups, which are like hybrids of oriental styled tea cup.
in a way, now the work is also about doing things which seem relevant for me as a way to learn:
- cut tree branches with people that want to help, from a place that needs it (not just cutting and destroying), and fill the entire floor space with it.
- stage a few photographs with r. because i want to try it ans im excited about it.
see further what can go in this direction.
also continue to develop this idea of doing nothing, which is not doing nothing exactly but a way to keep my desires far from the work- let things happen
encounter a reality which i don't 'edit' too much the way i want.
frames with many photographs in them...with passepartout.
make works that make me move
Iphigenia: a context
that could be something to start with.
candles, branches.
the screw was invented a century later (300bc approx)
about pigments in ancient greece:
- they used Linen!!
and wax
- they already used chemistry to make artificial pigments.!!
maybe an idea to mix pigments and wax...
The floor would be the past, the walls the present.
>>something that makes me move for sure.
> using food to make different things.
go buy more beetroots.
06.06 2016
made this little sculpture with plaster, cd's, aluminum foil and a mussel.
like that.
does not make any sense.
that's kind of what i wanted i guess.
it's clumsy and looks effortless.
also the floating mussels in beeteroot juice (and drawing a face) looks good.
a strong desire for nature. a disgust about power is what i get from the play.
WOOD ON THE wall and small sculptures on the floor.
continue searching in the framework of Iphi. and continue try stuff out.
maybe there should be some accumulation of the things im trying out.
trying to live through something i make. not just the production of something.
observed that it would be nice to have a sculpture that comes from 3 or 4 steps.
in 1992, my dad was wearing cowboy boots.
well, i made a lot of sense in my last project, maybe it's fine that im not sure how to make/work
with this.
accumulating materials might be interesting .
+ performance.
the book project is already quite big for me, as a result.
maybe the rest around can be more loose then?
photos of the female football team +train toys+horses
Play the entire album of Deftones 'Adrenaline' (1995) under the branches.
Come at me! Come! Come!
My activites don't cross but they create
You know I want to pick you up
But they don't want you to
Asking for it, like we got
Yes we cross but we create
You know I want to pick you up
But they don't want you
- shit fuck'em
the installation on the floor will be called
"see of trees"
play the first record by greek band KAWIR
'To Cavirs' (1997)
idea for show at basis frankfurt:
wallpaper like in the italian restaurant
Iphigenia Part 2
Iphigenia or A Girl for the Wind
Part 2
>make the show with food and natural materials, strange uses of these materials.
> the works demand a least a little physical efforts.
>the room will be lit by very big homemade candles
>the floor is covered by tree branches that I went to cut in the forest with the help of a few people I met in Kassel
> few of the scripts on the floor or somewhere.
(the one with the pages glued on the magazine-max mara).
> the walls are covered by a 18mx2m beetroot paintings.
> some axes
> performance with wig and baseball cap.
> outside there is a wooden box in which I sell 50 copies of the english version of the play for the price of 12 euros.
buying price for me = 50 books = 213e
selling price = 10 euros
Life in 400BCE
(Iphigenia or A Girl for the Wind, part1)
Workshop dates: June 20-24th 2016
Public opening: June 26th, 7pm
About the workshop:
The workshop is open to anybody interested, not only/necessarily with an artist background. Based on the play written by french teacher and playwright Yves Mercol, the workshop participants are invited to create an exhibition or a set of performances at Belle Air using only materials and technologies available in the time when the story described in the play took place.
Some materials for the workshop will be provided but feel free to bring some more if you have some specific ideas about what you'd like to make.
Prior to the workshop, you are invited to read the play (it doesn't take very long, about 2/3 hours).
You can download a pdf version of Iphigenia or A Girl for the Wind (1985)
by playwright Yves Mercol (1948-2011).
More information about the play and the project:
This PDF is a reproduction of the original script written in 1985 by French playwright and teacher Yves Mercol (1948-2011). Iphigenia or A Girl for the Wind is a rewriting of the greek play written by Euripides between 408 and 406 BC. Yves Mercol wrote a new version of the story to be performed by his high school students in Saint-Etienne. The reproduction of the script is a way to save the play from being destroyed (as only one hard copy was left) as well as a way to spread it to a new audience and to continue the pedagogical and artistic work of Yves Mercol. This book is a first step into looking at the oeuvre of the author that includes dozens of plays, short stories and notes. In the summer of 2016, Iphigenia or a Girl for the Wind will be translated into an exhibition at Stellwerk, Kassel, and will be used as the basis for a workshop held at New Bretagne/Belle Air in Essen.
This publication is also an open invitation to anybody who is interested in using the play for personal or collective projects or simply to curious readers.
The book was published in May 2016 by Peach Books, Rotterdam, and will be available at Belle Air during the opening night as well as on the online shop of Peach Books: http://peachbooks.tictail.com/